Simon Allford

Profession: Architect
City: London
Country: United Kingdom
What inspired you to want a life in Architecture and the creative industries?
I wanted to be a professional footballer until I was 14 a few of my mates made it i faded away and returned to my love of making and drawing deciding to be an architect at seventeen
Who inspired you in finding your path to Architecture and the creative industries?
My father encouraged and supported my football career so he was very surprised when I said I wanted to be an architect he was also secretly delighted as I was going into a career that had given him so much pleasure but we were both agreed I should not follow in his footsteps
How you unlock obstacles and overcome bias in your work?
Obstacles are everywhere – be they cultural, political, financial, social, technical
Our job and our skill is to address these obstacles – to listen, learn and respond in an ever more informed and intelligent way as the Eames said ‘without constraints there is no design’and design unlocks the future
What improvements do you feel are required to promote effective change in the academic and working environment?
We need to make the next generation aware that there are many career paths they can follow in the built environment and we can do that by going into schools; supporting work experience; by opening open up new pathways into the wider construction industry; and making sure that we support career development in practice in architecture I believe there is much more we can do within the existing system of university education but in this field of education and training, my primary focus for the last two decades has been on initiating and supporting new models of ‘earn and learn’ courses because they offer a critique of the dangerous divide between academe and practice; they are more appealing to more people; and will help create a better rounded and more representative profession
teaching Practices become smarter practices they can be more fun too!