Paalan Lakhani

Profession: Part II Architectural Assistant
City: London
Country: United Kingdom

What inspired you to want a life in Architecture and the creative industries?:
I wanted to work on and create permanent design works and architecture allowed me to take part in design that was built to last generations.

Who inspired you in finding your path to Architecture/Film and the creative industries?:
The RIBA as the website was inspiring for me and buildings I’d visited around the world when growing up, such as the Taj Mahal in India.

How you unlock obstacles and overcome bias in your work?:
I am a minority in the architecture industry by being both a female and a British Asian, being born in the UK and having Indian heritage. Knowing that I have a purpose to represent the underrepresented gives me confidence to take the opportunities that come my way, be seen and be heard, to show future generations that they can belong just as I am.

What improvements do you feel are required to promote effective change in the academic and working environment?:
Make clear how diverse offices are in their staff to those outside of the company, at different levels from prospective employees, students and children, also to be more transparent and accessible to people of all backgrounds.

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Changing the Narrative