Wonny Tjon

Profession: Conscious Leadership Strategist | Multidimensional Wellbeing Systems Design Architect
City: Rotterdam
Country: Netherlands

What inspired you to want a life in Architecture and the creative industries?:
I have always loved to create things, whether it’s physical object, painting, even as a child making mockups of a house. Having traveled and lived in different countries, Suriname, The Netherlands, Taiwan, Japan, China, Hong Kong, United Kingdom, Belgium, I learned how culture shapes societies and also architecture and vice versa.
The recent decade I have had more and more interest in architecture in how it relates to our wellbeing. I have trained in different complementary medicine modalities e.g. the Eden Method, Tibetan Medicine, Shamanism, BioGeometry, Buddhism, Daoism and Qigong, which work on how we can work on the inner balance and wellbeing. 
During this process also learning that the interdependence and interconnectivity with our environment has influence on the body’s wellbeing. Through BioGeometry, a term coined by Dr. Ibrahim Karim, an Egyptian architect, which is a novel field of science, using design principles of shape, color, sound, motion, and wave configuration to induce harmony into biological subtle energy systems I became more and more interested in architecture. 
Then learning about space syntax, how space influences human behaviour. That means we can create harmonising spaces for optimal energetic balance so we can be at our best. I can only imagine if all architects, designers would be able to use that knowledge. How would our world look like? If all things created by man creates harmony?

Who inspired you in finding your path to Architecture/Film and the creative industries?:
There are many people who all have brought some little piece to my path. My particularly inspiration in architecture comes from the work of Dr. Ibrahim Karim. He is an Egyptian architect who coined the science of BioGeometry.‘BioGeometry is a modern Physics of Quality with a design language of shape that creates harmony in the subtle energy of the environment. It merges science and spirituality into a holistic paradigm uniting practical and theoretical research in a living reality. BioGeometry is based on the energy quality of harmonic proportions and sacred architectural building vitals used in ancient civilizations, where the location of monuments and where power spots played a major role.’ This means we can design everything to encompass harmonising energy.
Dr. Karim was able to research how ancient civilisations harnessed BG3, a harmonizing energy that supports life force. 
If we are talking about technology, wisdom and how to bring a better world together, I believe BioGeometry can be a large factor in this. For example building smart cities with the design principles where the city is harmonized, can result in reduction of social, economic, political problems. With energy medicine for example we can work on the individual body. But we can not control the environment created by modern technology like computers, mobile phones, electrical antenna’s or earth grids, which throw our energies out of balance. No amount of yoga classes, meditation or mindfulness practice can battle the continuous stress created by EMF’s or negative energies from grid lines of the earth on our biofields and bodies.

How you unlock obstacles and overcome bias in your work?:
My path led me miraculously to be open and curious about personal development and life in general. Being faced with all kinds of obstacles and having the intuition and gut feeling that this is not what life is about.
Asking myself what do I really value? 
What is a good quality of life?
Being open and curious about what can I learn?
This led me to coaching training with Martha Beck, Eden Method Energy Medicine training, Shamanic training, BioGeometry training, Tibetan Medicine training, Sociocracy training and Nonviolent Communication training and learning about economic system like Doughnut Economics, Post Growth Entrepreneurship.As human we need to learn how to recognise and work with our limiting beliefs a.k.a. shadow. Once we are able to know ourselves to our deepest core, we will know what we can and can not do and where we can do better. In Kyudo, Zen bowshooting that is called polishing the heart. The more we are able to do that, the more we are able to show up in our most authentic, empowered self.

What improvements do you feel are required to promote effective change in the academic and working environment?:
Education on what is human value. If we teach every baby born the value of human life.
If that would be at the core of our systems and structures we would have less issues we face today.
There is a need for transdisciplinary approaches and people from all background to come together to bring those changes. People who have a transdisicplinarian mindset. Governance processes need to change. All of the concepts we have of models need to be discarded to be able to create new structures and systems that serve all humans on this planet. And it begins with ourselves. As one of my Energy Medicine teachers Donna Eden says: Raising the vibration one person at a time.

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