Dagmar Binsted

Dagmar Binsted
Architect, London, United Kingdom
London, England

What inspired you to want a life in Architecture and the creative industries?
An architect giving a careers school.
How you unlock obstacles and overcome bias in your work.: I use networks of like minded people and ask for help. Bias at work is hard and I just need to work around it sometimes. Calling it out wherever possible in a non confidential kind of way often works best. Finding allies is very important.

Who inspired you in finding your path to Architecture and the creative industries?
An architect giving a careers school.

How you unlock obstacles and overcome bias in your work.
I use networks of like minded people and ask for help. Bias at work is hard and I just need to work around it sometimes. Calling it out wherever possible in a non confidential kind of way often works best. Finding allies is very important.

What improvements you feel are required to promote effective change in the academic and working environment?
More women and people of diverse cultural backgrounds need to.get into teaching and leadership positions. But also the political landscape and cultural stereotyping need to change to facilitate this. It’s a process. But increased visibility and representation definitely help a lot.

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