Claire Pollock

Cultural administrator/ corporate responsibility, London, United Kingdom

What inspired you to want a life in Architecture and the creative industries?:
I loved collage and magazines as a child. I grew up in the Channel Islands and I only rarely saw art – only through magazines 
I only ever wanted to come to London and go to art school

Who inspired you in finding your path to Architecture/Film and the creative industries?:
I went to a high achieving girls science focused school and my sister was a top student 
Luckily for me the physics teacher refused to have me in his class and I had to do art
I should really thank him because i loved it

How you unlock obstacles and overcome bias in your work?:
Knowing when you can do this and also when you can’t 
A lot of the strategies below help support this
An old boss of mine said to me to always know what are your 3 resigning issues 
This means you can identify your own values and what you believe them – and what has to change

What improvements do you feel are required to promote effective change in the academic and working environment?:
Being a good ally
Being a good role model
Promoting and sharing good practice
Celebrating success 

These are all things Home Grown plus does brilliantly !

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